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Ulrich Berens
I always switch off and relax when I take photos. I couldn't say whether I have found my own "style" in my photography. But I am deeply convinced that my own style can only emerge if I free myself internally from the demands and standards that bombard me from the outside. I can also authentically like a photo of myself that no one else likes! And I should trust my "own eye" and stay on this track with further photographic experiments and see whether this opens up paths and horizons for my photography. Most of my photos are taken with Olympus/OM-System photo equipment. But I also travel with my smartphone or a compact camera from Sony. The photos published here are all my own works and the following license applies to them: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ CC 4.0 int. CY @ infoleck.de toot me @infoleck@kirche.social